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Хто насправді отець Танджиро

Танджиро Камадо

Танджиро Камадо ( 竈門 ( かまど ) 炭 ( たん ) 治 ( じ ) 郎 ( ろう ) , Kamado Tanjirō ? ) — главный герой манги и аниме «Клинок, рассекающий демонов». Он стал истребителем демонов, чтобы найти ответственного за убийство его семьи и превращение его сестры в демона.

  • 1 Внешность
  • 2 Личность
  • 3 История
  • 4 Сюжет
    • 4.1 Арка финального отбора
    • 4.2 Арка горы Натагумо
    • 5.1 Незуко Камадо
    • 5.2 Гию Томиока
    • 5.3 Зеницу Агацума
    • 5.4 Иноске Хашибира
    • 5.5 Саконджи Урокодаки
    • 5.6 Шинобу Кочо
    • 5.7 Канао Цуюри
    • 5.8 Генья Шинадзугава
    • 5.9 Ёриичи Цугикуни
    • 6.1 Естественные способности
    • 6.2 Искусство владения мечом
      • 6.2.1 Дыхание воды
      • 6.2.2 Танец бога огня


      Танджиро — парень с загорелой кожей и спортивным телосложением. У него взъерошенные чёрные волосы с бордовыми кончиками, зачёсанные назад, и большие тёмно-красные глаза. На левой стороне его лба расположен шрам от ожога, который потемнел и изменил форму после битвы с демоном рук во время финального отбора.

      Танджиро одет в тёмно-красную форму истребителей демонов, поверх которой надето хаори в чёрно-зелёную клетку. Он также носит серьги ханафуда с рисунком в виде красного солнца.

      После убийства Мудзана тот превратил Танджиро в демона, из-за чего правая рука парня регенерировала, а внешность потерпела некоторые изменения: метка истребителей разрослась по всему лицу и больше походила на языки пламени, глаза стали ярче, сузился зрачок.


      Танджиро по своей природе очень добр. «Человек с добрыми глазами» – так его описывают. Очень решительный и целеустремлённый. Хотя Танджиро и сам относительно силён, он не боится просить других о помощи, когда в этом есть необходимость. Он всегда готов встать на защиту окружающих, но защита сестры для него является высшим приоритетом.

      Важной чертой характера Танджиро является его сострадательность, нередко проявляющаяся даже по отношению к демонам. Однако за время службы в рядах истребителей Танджиро набирается опыта, становится более расчётливым и решительным. Благодаря храбрости и желанию защитить слабых он встречает соперников с уважением и достоинством, будь то люди или демоны.


      Танджиро вырос в горах вместе со своими родителями, братьями и сёстрами, будучи старшим ребёнком в семье Камадо. Его отец Танджуро умер от болезни, когда Танджиро был ещё совсем маленьким, потому Танджиро взял на себя роль кормильца. Он очень любил свою семью и заботился о ней, как только мог. Однажды один из братьев Танджиро случайно толкнул горячий чайник, и, пытаясь защитить ребёнка, Танджиро получил свой шрам на лбу. [1]

      Танджиро продавал уголь в ближайшем городе, чтобы заработать деньги для семьи, и, похоже, он появлялся там довольно часто, так как горожане легко его узнавали и просили о помощи.


      Арка финального отбора

      Эпоха Тайсё. Танджиро Камадо живет скромной, но счастливой жизнью в горах со своей семьёй – матерью, младшими братьями и сёстрами.

      Одним зимним утром Танджиро собирается пойти в город неподалёку, чтобы продать древесный уголь, но младшая сестра Ханако и брат Шигеру удерживают его, умоляя взять их с собой. Их мать вмешивается, говоря, что Танджиро не сможет их нести, если они устанут. Такео разочарован, потому что хотел сегодня нарубить дров вместе со старшим братом. Когда Танджиро отправляется в город, его сестра Незуко, несущая младшего брата Рокуту, прощается с ним.

      В городе Танджиро дружелюбно общается с горожанами, некоторые из них просят его помочь. Уже вечером, покончив со всеми делами, Танджиро возвращается домой, как вдруг его останавливает человек по имени Сабуро. Сабуро предупреждает Танджиро об опасностях в горах, в частности о демонах, и предлагает парню место для ночлега.

      Вернувшись домой на следующий день, Танджиро видит, что вся его семья, за исключением Незуко, убита. Танджиро берёт сестру и собирается найти ближайшего врача, но Незуко, превратившаяся в демона, нападает на Танджиро.

      Пока Танджиро пытается отбиться от атаки сестры, Гию Томиока атакует Незуко сзади. Однако Танджиро вступается за Незуко и не даёт убить сестру. Мечник спрашивает Танджиро, почему тот защищает демона. Танджиро говорит ему, что это его сестра. Глядя на обезумевшую Незуко, Гию ставит это утверждение под сомнение и быстро забирает демона из рук Танджиро. Однако последний умоляет Гию пощадить его сестру, надеясь в будущем найти для неё исцеление.

      Арка горы Натагумо

      Их следующий пункт назначения — северо-запад. Танджиро и Незуко направляются к горе Натагумо с Зеницу и Иноске. Эта гора покрыта паутиной и кишит бесчисленным множеством пауков. Оставив Зеницу позади, Танджиро и Иноске поднимаются на гору, где натыкаются на других истребителей демонов, запутавшихся в паутине.


      Незуко Камадо

      Незуко – младшая сестра Танджиро и единственная из всех членов семьи, кто остался в живых. Сам по себе Танджиро спокоен и вежлив, но может вмиг рассердиться и напасть на любого, кто причинит боль Незуко. Он очень серьёзно относится к защите сестры, но это не мешает ему просить помощи у Незуко в борьбе с сильными противниками, которых он не может одолеть самостоятельно.

      Гию Томиока

      Танджиро впервые встречает Гию, когда тот хочет убить Незуко, которая уже превратилась в демона. Гию видит решимость Танджиро, потому он рассказывает, как найти Урокодаки, который поможет Танджиро на пути становления истребителем демонов.

      Поначалу Танджиро не доверяет Гию, но со временем он начинает его уважать, так как они оба являются учениками Урокодаки и оба используют дыхание воды.

      В дальнейшем Гию часто защищает Танджиро.

      Зеницу Агацума

      В первый раз они встречаются после прохождения финального отбора. Агацума предстаёт перед Танджиро очень напуганным, Зеницу истерит из-за ужасов, что происходили в лесу.

      Вскоре Зеницу и Танджиро дружатся и вместе с Иноске становятся учениками Кёджуро Ренгоку. Несмотря на скорую смерть учителя, они вместе продолжают выполнять все поручения и охотиться на демонов. Зеницу – хороший друг, который никогда не станет говорить плохо о Танджиро за его спиной.

      Иноске Хашибира

      Первая встреча главного героя и Иноске происходит в доме Кёгая. Без особых раздумий Хашибира нападает на Танджиро, который защищает девочку от демона, бродящего по дому. Уже после зачистки дома Хашибира пытается напасть на Незуко, так как чует, что она демон, чем провоцирует Танджиро, который в конечном итоге проигрывает схватку и отключается на несколько минут. В дальнейшем Иноске продолжает попытки провокации Танджиро.

      Однако потом Иноске осознаёт, что ему нужно еще очень много трудиться, чтобы стать действительно сильным, поэтому он прекращает провоцировать кого-либо на бессмысленные драки. Иноске и Танджиро оба имеют плохое представление о городской жизни, в отличие от Зеницу. Впоследствии они также хорошо ладят и поддерживают друг друга в трудные минуты, давая советы или подбирая нужные слова.

      Саконджи Урокодаки

      После первой встречи с Гию Танджиро отправляется к бывшему столпу Урокодаки, чтобы тот научил его искусству владения клинком и дыханию. Урокодаки готовит Танджиро к финальному отбору.

      Шинобу Кочо

      Танджиро становится человеком, которому Шинобу доверяет заветную мечту своей сестры подружиться с демонами, поскольку сама она не в состоянии исполнить её. Всякий раз, когда Шинобу видит усердные тренировки мальчика, ей становится намного спокойнее на душе. Она верит в Танджиро и видит в нём большой потенциал.

      Канао Цуюри

      Первая встреча Канао и Танджиро происходит после окончания финального отбора. В дальнейшем они встречаются в Поместье бабочки, где Канао помогает Танджиро в восстановлении и тренировках. Танджиро оказывает сильное влияние на Канао, высказывая мысль о том, что ей стоит в первую очередь слушать своё сердце, и только потом — приказы.

      После основных событий манги Канао выходит замуж за Танджиро и заводит с ним семью. В будущем у них появляются правнуки Каната и Сумихико Камадо.

      Генья Шинадзугава

      Знакомство выходит не самым удачным: Танджиро ломает Генье руку за грубое обращение с Канатой Убуяшики сразу после финального отбора. Они воссоединяются в Поместье бабочки сразу после восстановления Танджиро от травм, полученных в бою с Пятой Нижней Луной. Танджиро пытается его поприветствовать, но Генья хладнокровно игнорирует парня.

      В Деревне Мечников, Танджиро замечает Генью в горячих источниках. Поначалу Генья раздражает и пугает Танджиро, но после битвы плечом к плечу их связь крепнет.

      Ёриичи Цугикуни

      Ёриичи жил в эпоху Сэнгоку, за 400 лет до эпохи Тайсё. Танджиро видит его во сне от лица Сумиёши. Позже, когда Танджиро находится в коме, он видит воспоминания Сумиёши, в которых просит Ёриичи научить его тринадцатому стилю Дыхания Солнца.


      Естественные способности

      Танджиро использует своё обоняние, чтобы избежать ловушек.

      Повышенное обоняние: У Танджиро было обострённое обоняние и до тренировок с мечом. Он достаточно силён, чтобы почувствовать запах «интервальных нитей» – небольшую паузу в движении противника – и различить их разновидности, а также приблизительное местонахождение противника. После тренировок он мог чувствовать запах эмоций, а также отслеживать объекты, людей и демонов на больших расстояниях.

      Боевая способность: Эта способность была отмечена ещё Гию в их первую встречу, в которой Танджиро придумал интересный план для победы над ним. Суть плана заключалась в том, чтобы заставить противника думать, что топор находится в руках Танджиро, пока он бежит на противника, в то время как топор летел бы точно в отвлёкшегося врага. Как сказал сам Томиока: «. он пытался одолеть меня после того, как я убью его. »

      Повышенная стойкость: После многочисленных тренировок Танджиро увеличил свою силу и скорость, которые впоследствии продемонстрировал на финальном отборе, когда разобрался с демоном, который убивал учеников Урокодаки.

      Танджиро со своей Меткой Истребителя Демонов.

      Метка Истребителя Демонов: Танджиро впервые пробудил свою метку во время боя с Даки, Шестой Высшей Луной, и еще раз во время боя с Аказой, Третьей Высшей Луной. Это состояние резко увеличивает его силу, скорость и реакцию. В сражении с Аказой он мог двигаться достаточно быстро, чтобы отрезать голову демона, не давая противнику времени на ответный удар. Следует отметить, что в бою Аказа полагался на ощущение чужого боевого духа, но Танджиро при выполнении атаки не проявил боевого духа. Единственным недостатком этой способности является то, что Танджиро может войти в это состояние только в редких случаях, и может использовать его только в течение очень короткого периода времени, так как это приводит к истощению его тела, как показано в его боях с Аказой и Даки.

      Искусство владения мечом

      Дыхание воды

      Танджиро использует Первый Стиль: Рассекающая Водяная Гладь против Демона рук.

      Этому дыханию главного героя обучил Саконджи Урокодаки. Используя дыхание воды, пользователь может увеличить количество кислорода в крови благодаря грамотному управлению своим дыханием. Это позволяет увеличивать свою силу и ловкость, что помогает сравняться с демоном в силе. Тем не менее, Танджиро не способен полностью овладеть дыханием воды, потому что его тело не подходит для его стилей.

      На данный момент Танджиро отработал полную фокусировку дыхания, что дает ему ещё больше базовой силы, скорости и выносливости. Благодаря этой повышенной силе и способности находить «интервальные нити» (повышенное обоняние), Танджиро может использовать 10 различных стилей:

      • Первый стиль: Казнь водной гладью ( 壱 ( いち ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 水 ( みな ) 面 ( も ) 斬 ( ぎ ) り , Ichi no kata: Minamo giri? ) [2] — одиночный горизонтальный удар, выполняемый с максимальной амплитудой. Фехтовальщик удерживает оружие в одной руке, занося его за плечо, и наносит удар, уводя руку в противоположном направлении. Вторая рука совершает зеркальное движение, за счет чего мечник может удерживать равновесие.
      • Второй стиль: Водяное колесо ( 弐 ( に ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 水 ( みず ) 車 ( ぐるま ) , Ni no kata: Mizu guruma? ) [3] — одиночный удар, совершаемый в прыжке сальто. Оружие удерживается двумя руками в неподвижном положении, в то время как основное усилие придается движением тела во вращении.
        • Модификация второго стиля: Горизонтальная водяное колесо (弐ノ型・改 横水車 Ni no kata kai: Yoko mizu guruma) — альтернативная версия второго стиля, в котором используется атака производится в горизонтальной плоскости.

        Танджиро использует Четвертый стиль: Удар Волной.

        • Четвёртый стиль: Удар волны ( 肆 ( し ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 打 ( う ) ち 潮 ( しお ) , Shi no kata: Uchishio? ) [5] — фехтовальщик наносит серию следующих друг за другом горизонтальных ударов.
        • Пятый стиль: Милосердный дождь в засуху) ( 伍 ( ご ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 干 ( かん ) 天 ( てん ) の 慈 ( じ ) 雨 ( う ) , Go no kata: Kanten no jiu? ) [6] — одиночный горизонтальный удар в рывке, при котором разрез совершается с минимально возможным давлением на клинок и цель удара. Используется когда цель атаки сдаётся, и в отличии от других атак, во время смерти цель испытывает лишь приятное ощущение дождя.
        • Шестой стиль: Вращающийся водоворот ( 陸 ( ろく ) ノ 型 ( かた ) ねじれ 渦 ( うず ) , Roku no kata: Nejire uzu? ) [7] — фехтовальщик наносит затяжной одиночный горизонтальный удар. Усилие придаётся вращением тела, при этом оружие зафиксировано в руках в одном положении.
          • Модификация Шестого стиля: Поток Водоворота (陸ノ型 ねじれ渦・流流 Roku no kata: Nejire uzu – ryūryū)
          • Модификация Седьмого Стиля: Пронзающий Удар Капель Волны изгиб (漆ノ型 雫波紋突・曲 Shichi no kata: Shizuku hamon tsuki – kyoku)
          • Модификация девятого стиля: Хаос водных всплесков изгиб (玖ノ型 水流飛沫 Ku no kata: Suiryū shibuki) – Минимизирует время на приземление и поверхность, необходимую для этого, позволяя пользователю двигаться без ограничений. Идеально подходит для боя в местах, где нет твердой поверхности.

          Танджиро использует Десятый стиль: Дракон Перемен против Руи.

          • Десятый стиль: Течение жизни ( 拾 ( じゅう ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 生 ( せい ) 生 ( せい ) 流 ( る ) 転 ( てん ) , Jū no kata: Seisei ruten? ) [11] — непрерывная атака, совершаемая в процессе движения. Фехтовальщик двигается во время боя, постоянно прикладывая силу к оружию, фактически растягивая удар на протяжении всего спринта. Также фехтовальщик увеличивает силу, вложенную в атаку, за счет инерции, вызванной вращением в процессе движения.

          Танец бога огня

          Основам этого дыхания Танджиро обучился, будучи при смерти, в воспоминаниях своего предка Сумиёши.

          Танджиро разрезает нити Руи с помощью Танца Бога Огня.

          • Вальс ( 円 ( えん ) 舞 ( ぶ ) , Enbu? ) [12] — одиночный мощный вертикальный разрез.
            • Удар вальса ( 円 ( えん ) 舞 ( ぶ ) 一 ( いっ ) 閃 ( せん ) , Enbu Issen? ) [13] — впервые использован Танджиро Камадо. Используется метод, похожий на технику Молниеносного громового раската дыхания грома, открывающий улучшенную версию Танца. Пользователь вдыхает большое количество кислорода, усиливая кровообращение и сосредотачивая его в ногах, после чего с силой делает рывок к цели с разрезом меча. Эта техника позволяла обогнать Генью Шинадзугаву и Незуко Камадо, а также убегающего Хантенгу, хоть она и остаётся медленнее, чем Молниеносный громовой раскат Зеницу Агацумы.
            • Тринадцатый стиль[27] — пользователь одну за другой успешно выполняет все двенадцать форм стиля дыхания, увеличивая свою точность и ловкость. Эта техника была создана исключительно ради убийства Мудзана, так как повторение всех двенадцати форм нацелено на уничтожение его двенадцати органов (семи сердец и пяти мозгов).

            Демонические способности

            Костяные позвоночники Танджиро.

            Юширо заявил, что потенциал Танджиро для развития в демона был намного выше, чем у его сестры, которая была первым демоном, развившим сопротивление солнечному свету, и даже у Мудзана, прародителя всех демонов. Это говорит о том, что если бы Танджиро полностью раскрыл свой потенциал, он превратился бы в существо, более сильное, чем сам Король Демонов. А в сочетании с Дыханием Солнца Танджиро мог бы сравниться с Ёриичи Цугикуни, сильнейшим из существующих истребителей демонов.

            • Иммунитет к солнцу: Будучи одной крови с Незуко, имеет иммунитет к солнцу, как и она в демонической форме.
            • Моментальная Регенерация: После становления демоном отрубленная при сражении с Мудзаном рука полностью восстанавливается в считанные секунды.
            • Метка Истребителей Демонов: После становления демоном метка Истребителей увеличилась в размерах и разрослась по всему лицу. Неизвестно, даёт ли метка какие-либо способности демонам, помимо увеличенной физической силы и возможности видеть Прозрачный Мир.
            • Память Прародителя: Перенял все воспоминания Мудзана Кибуцуджи.
            • Костяной Позвоночник: Во время событий 202 главы, когда Зеницу, Иноске и Гию пытались достучаться до Танджиро, он издал мощный рёв и отрастил на своей спине щупальца в виде шейных позвонков.
            • Молниеносный Шар: Во время событий 202 главы Танджиро неожиданно начал создавать Шар. Никто не знает, что это за техника, но её радиус и мощь велики.
            • Биокинез: когда Танджиро ассимилировал кровь Мудзана, он получил своё Искусство Кровавого Демона, которое позволяет ему контролировать различные свойства и аспекты своего тела. Танджиро впервые демонстрирует это, высовывая костяные кнуты и придатки из своей спины, которые он использует для увеличения дальности атаки. Однако из-за своего дикого состояния Танджиро не продемонстрировал такого же умения владеть ими, как Мудзан.


            Tanjiro Kamado

            Tanjiro Kamado ( 竈門 ( かまど ) 炭 ( たん ) 治 ( じ ) 郎 ( ろう ) , Kamado Tanjirō ? ) is the main protagonist of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a Demon Slayer in the Demon Slayer Corps, who joined to find a remedy to turn his sister, Nezuko Kamado, back into a human and to hunt down and kill demons, [5] and later swore to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji, [6] the King of Demons, in order to prevent others from suffering the same fate as him. [7]

            Before he became a Demon Slayer, Tanjiro was a coal burner before his family was slaughtered by Muzan while his younger sister, Nezuko, was turned into a demon. [8]


            • 1 Appearance
              • 1.1 Gallery
              • 3.1 Overall Abilities
              • 3.2 Demon Slayer Abilities
              • 3.3 Physical Abilities
              • 3.4 Supernatural Abilities
              • 3.5 Overall Abilities
              • 3.6 Demon Abilities
              • 4.1 Breathing Style
              • 4.2 Techniques
              • 4.3 Game Exclusive Techniques
              • 4.4 Blood Demon Art
              • 4.5 Techniques

              Appearance [ ]

              Tanjiro is a young boy of average height with fairly tanned skin and an athletic, muscular physique. He has ruffled, black hair with burgundy tips, combed back to expose his forehead, and wide, dark red eyes with white pupils that appear lighter around the lower section of his irises. He also has a scar on the top left of his forehead, first seen when his mother brought him to watch his father perform the Hinokami Kagura dance. The scar originally looked somewhat like a graze until his fight with the Hand Demon during Final Selection, after which it develops into a flame-like pattern as his Demon Slayer Mark. It is noted that his hands are visibly rougher for someone his age, as a result of his rigorous training under Sakonji Urokodaki. Tanjiro looks remarkably similar in appearance to his ancestor Sumiyoshi Kamado, possessing the same facial structure, eyes, and hairstyle as him, although Sumiyoshi’s hair was longer, about shoulder-length and would be tied in a ponytail behind his head.

              Tanjiro first appears wearing a checkered, black-and-sea-foam-green haori over a white robe and black pants. He occasionally sports a turquoise scarf and is seen with circular, white bands looped around his calves. He also wears a distinct pair of hanafuda earrings, with the image of the rising sun over a mountain. His hair is also kept tied back in small ponytail or bun; as he trains with Sabito and Makomo, his hair grows to his shoulders.

              During the Final Selection, Tanjiro wears a blue, cloud-patterned samue-styled kimono and black pants, nearly identical to Sakonji’s outfit. He still wears his hanafuda earrings, but his hair is cut extremely short and remains the same length since. Similar to the rest of the apprentices that were trained under Sakonji, Tanjiro wears a hand-carved fox mask crafted from his master on the left side of his head. The mask has red accents on the eyes, ears, and spots on each corner of its mouth. On the upper right corner of the mask, there is a sun-shaped design that likely symbolizes the scar on his forehead.

              After becoming a Demon Slayer, Tanjiro wears the standard Demon Slayer uniform, a dark-brown gakuran jacket, a white belt, baggy chocho zubon pants that extend into tabi socks, a pair of zōri with red straps, and bands of white cloth wrapped tightly around his calves resembling kyahan, all beneath his signature checkered haori. He carries a large wooden box on his back (which was a gift to him from Sakonji Urokodaki), where his sister sleeps as they travel during the day.

              During his second encounter with Muzan Kibutsuji, he injures his right eye in the Infinity Castle. As the battle progresses, Tanjiro suddenly collapses and his wound begins to form a large mass over his right eye due to the poison inflicted on him by Muzan. Later on, when Tanjiro wakes up, he is described as looking ‘repulsive’ by Muzan. [9] Later in the battle Tanjiro’s left arm is severed by Muzan. [10]

              After being turned into a demon by Muzan, Tanjiro is able to heal the growth on his face as well as regenerate his lost arm and other smaller injuries. He obtains eyes with slit pupils, fangs and flame-shaped marks over his left forehead and right jaw that are reminiscent of those of Kokushibo, in addition to a third, smaller flame-shaped mark coming down from the right side of his head down to his eyebrow after he conquered the weakness to sunlight. His scar turns into a flame-pattern as if it were a permanent Demon Slayer Mark, has become longer and is the largest of the three, and all three marks vaguely point towards his nose, though only his scar-mark reaches it. He still dons his bloodstained corps uniform, one sleeve ripped off where his arm was severed, but loses his checkered haori and the Nichirin Sword at his hip. [3]

              After returning to his human form, Tanjiro loses the ability to see from his right eye, the iris of which is now a dull pink-gray color and the pupil black rather than its original white. His left arm, which he regrew as a Demon, now takes the appearance of that which an older person may have, becoming wrinkled and skeletal, and he loses all feeling in it below the elbow and thus the ability to move it from his forearm down. [11]

              Gallery [ ]

              Personality [ ]

              Tanjiro’s warm yet solemn smile.

              Tanjiro is very kind by nature and has been described by others as having very gentle eyes and a compassionate persona. He exhibits a great deal of determination and will not give up once he has a goal to achieve; the best example of this being his relentless quest to find a cure for Nezuko. Even though he is relatively strong on his own, Tanjiro isn’t opposed to asking others for help when he needs it. He is very protective of his friends and even more so of his younger sister. However, despite his kind and understanding nature, Tanjiro does have a limit to his tolerance and has a distaste for rudeness and cowardice as he easily becomes annoyed by Zenitsu Agatsuma’s constant whining, and angered by Inosuke Hashibira’s barbaric actions.

              Tanjiro is direct and very honest, taking everyone’s words with sincerity and seriousness. Upon hearing Tengen Uzui claim he is a god, he asked what area is he the god of. He has difficulty lying and doing so causes his face to contort severely, as his honest nature clashes with the insincerity of his words. Having grown up in the countryside of Japan, Tanjiro has no experience of life in large urban areas. During his missions to Asakusa and Yoshiwara, he stared in wonder at the bright lights enveloping the cities. He naively believed the Mugen train was perhaps the land’s guardian spirit and, just like Inosuke, he does not know what a red-light district is.

              Tanjiro enraged by Daki’s apathy for taking innocent lives.

              Under Tanjiro’s rather kind and friendly shell, is a person with a growing fire of rage and vengeance inside of them. This side of him leaks out when Tanjiro first confronts Muzan, ready to take out his sword and attack him. When Muzan escapes, Tanjiro releases his frustration and declares he will be the one to kill Muzan. On Mount Natagumo, when the captured Demon Slayers had their necks snapped by the Mother Spider Demon’s threads, Tanjiro shows noticeable anger that even Inosuke senses. Upon seeing Daki smirking after witnessing her slaughter innocent people indiscriminately with her sashes, he seethed with rage and confronted her alone. This side of Tanjiro is fully exemplified after Muzan’s speech where he compares himself to a natural disaster. Tanjiro responds to that by calling Muzan “a being that should not exist.” In the face of irrational evil, Tanjiro shows a more cold and terrifying side of him, acting more violent towards his opponents as a result.

              Tanjiro demands that Hantengu atone for his crimes.

              Tanjiro’s most notable attribute is his ability to empathize with anyone, even demons, which often makes him hesitate before delivering the final blow. Tanjiro has a unique ideology regarding demons, believing that those that have committed evil should be killed without mercy, but those that regret their actions should not be belittled after their deaths, showing great nuance and maturity in Tanjiro’s thinking, probably brought about by his sister. However, as Tanjiro gains experience over the years of his service, he becomes more calculating and strict in his decisions. His courage to protect the weak commits him to face his enemy with respect and dignity, whether versus good people or evil demons. Tanjiro is adamant about serving justice to the evil, by any means necessary, even declaring to cut off the heads of demons who have committed heinous crimes and confronting them about their inhumane mindset and their criminal deeds.

              As a demon, Tanjiro appeared to be mindless, like most initially are following their transformation. He acted like a feral beast, attacking anyone in sight without any hesitation. Not even his friends and comrades were safe. The one exception was Nezuko, who he refused to harm even after tasting her blood; a possible sign that he was fighting his transformation. His hostility towards the Demon Slayers might also have been due to his mind being affected by Muzan’s desire to kill all Demon Slayers.

              Abilities [ ]

              Overall Abilities [ ]

              An untrained Tanjiro manages to slice the neck of a bloodthirsty demon.

              From the beginning, Tanjiro was shown to be a prodigious fighter, having a strong natural aptitude for combat, especially in swordsmanship. Tanjiro was already introduced to have above average human abilities, like honed senses, a sharp sense of smell, immense willpower and great intellect. His naturally obtained abilities go so far as to allow him to outsmart and catch Giyu Tomioka, one of the most powerful Demon Slayers, off guard and nearly land a fatal blow on him despite being clouded with intense emotions. Moreover, in his first encounter with a demon, Tanjiro managed to slash the neck of the Temple Demon and impress him, later being able to fend the demon off with a regular hatchet and come up with unique solutions such as using his durable head to headbutt the Temple Demon and also using his hatchet to pin him down and prevent him from moving.

              With his improved combat skills and newly learned Water Breathing techniques, Tanjiro successfully decapitates two demons.

              While on Mount Sagiri, Tanjiro managed to impress Sakonji Urokodaki, the former Water Hashira, evading dozens of traps hidden all over the mountain to a certain degree of success through the use of his sharp sense of smell and ultimately managed to get accepted as his student. When tasked to cut a giant boulder, Tanjiro met the spirits of Makomo and Sabito, who trained him to properly utilize Total Concentration Breathing and hone his swordsmanship skills. After half a year of extremely intensive training, Tanjiro was able to surpass Sabito in a swordsmanship skill, awakening the ability to see the Opening Thread as well as being able to slice the boulder in two, a boulder bigger and harder than any student before him had cut before. During Final Selection, he was able to easily take down numerous low-level demons while using the Water Breathing Breathing Style without the help of others. Tanjiro eventually met the Hand Demon, a heavily mutated demon which has eaten 50 humans compared to the average of two to three humans that demons on the mountain consume, making him the most fearsome demon Tanjiro has encountered so far, further proven by the fact that he had killed both Sabito and Makomo. Through his acrobatic skills, swordsmanship prowess and sense of smell, Tanjiro managed to successfully decapitate the demon.

              Tanjiro’s extraordinary combat prowess and superhuman physical attributes allowing him to overpower Rui, a member of the Twelve Kizuki.

              After officially becoming a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tanjiro faces numerous more powerful and skilled demons, most of which utilized Blood Demon Arts. Against the Swamp Demon, Tanjiro and Nezuko managed to subdue the demon and its clones, saving the lives of an innocent woman and bystander in the process. When faced with the likes of Yahaba and Susamaru, more skilled and fearsome demons than before, Tanjiro’s tactical intellect and swordsmanship skills allowed him to behead Yahaba on his own, while also managing to hold his own against Susamaru. During his mission in the Tsuzumi Mansion, Tanjiro encountered Kyogai, a former member of the Twelve Kizuki, an organization of the twelve strongest demons in existence, and was capable of analyzing and adapting to his unorthodox mansion-shifting Blood Demon Art and defeat him. Despite still being the lowest rank in the organization, Tanjiro could hold his own against demons who shared the powers of an actual member of the Twelve Kizuki, namely the Mother and Father of the Spider Family, and later held his own against the member himself, Rui, who held the position of Lower Rank Five. After recalling the Hinokami Kagura, a Breathing Style he learned from his father as a child, he almost defeated the Lower Rank demon, a feat which many believed only a Hashira, the strongest swordsmen in the entirety of the Demon Slayer Corps, could pull off.

              During Rehabilitation Training following his battles in Mount Natagumo, Tanjiro recovered from injuries and trained with Kanao Tsuyuri, an extremely talented Demon Slayer and the Tsuguko of the Insect Hashira, Shinobu Kocho, eventually enabling him to match her. After mastering Total Concentration: Constant ( 全 ( ぜん ) 集 ( しゅう ) 中 ( ちゅう ) ・ 常 ( じょう ) 中 ( ちゅう ) , Zen Shūchū Jōchū ? ) , which further enhanced his physical abilities, Tanjiro was capable of fighting and beheading Lower Rank One, Enmu, on his own, even managing to come up with a countermeasure to the demon’s spells in the midst of battle and possessing enough willpower to commit suicide in his dreams repeatedly in order to follow through with his plan. Later, with the help of Nezuko, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Kyojuro Rengoku, Tanjiro decapitates the strongest Lower Rank, despite the demon fusing himself with an entire train and him being under a constant barrage of attacks. With the death of Kyojuro at the hands of Upper Rank Three, Akaza, the Flame Hashira’s dying words served as a major incentive for Tanjiro to push on, serving as a major factor in his growth as a Demon Slayer.

              An enraged Tanjiro making quick work of an Upper Rank’s attack.

              After the battle, Tanjiro could keep up and fend off attacks from Daki, an Upper Rank demon, beings that have lived for over a century who has eaten 7 Hashira during her lifetime, although it was implied she was toying with Tanjiro during their battle. Even after Daki regains full strength in the middle of the battle, an enraged Tanjiro managed to easily overpower her, coming as close as slicing off her neck without her being able to retaliate, albeit he had ran out of stamina and nearly died before he could behead her. While injured, Tanjiro managed to assist a poisoned Tengen Uzui against Gyutaro, the true Upper Rank Six, and later outsmarted and decapitated him whilst awakening the Demon Slayer Mark momentarily. Thus, Tanjiro became one of the first Demon Slayers to ever kill an Upper Rank, a feat that hasn’t been accomplished for the last century. Additionally, Mitsuri Kanroji later stated that surviving a battle against an Upper Rank demon equates to around 5 to 10 years of intensive training. [12]

              Upon receiving intensive training in the Swordsmith Village, Tanjiro’s swordsmanship skills were greatly polished and refined while also awakening the ability to “smell the future”, giving him the movements and reflexes comparable to that of the Hashira. Later, Tanjiro faced Upper Rank Four, Hantengu, and his clones, being able to fend off Urogi while also correctly deducing their abilities. Sekido also noted that Tanjiro undergoes explosive growth in the midst of battle, more apparently under critical moments. [13] After awakening his Demon Slayer Mark for the second time along with the Bright Red Nichirin Sword, Tanjiro was fast enough to blitz three of Hantengu’s clones simultaneously. When all four of Hantengu’s clones combined to become Zohakuten, Tanjiro, with the help of Genya Shinazugawa and Nezuko, managed to hold their own against him. With the help of a Marked Mitsuri Kanroji, Tanjiro, Genya, and Nezuko managed to chase down the main body and successfully put an end to him, with Tanjiro dealing the final blow.

              Tanjiro decapitating Akaza, the Upper Rank that took Kyojuro’s life.

              During Hashira Training, Tanjiro underwent gruelling training meant to bolster every member in the organization, targeting many fields such as stamina, flexibility, speed, and swordsmanship. When the final battle against demon-kind began, Tanjiro displayed skill comparable to that of a Hashira according to Giyu himself. He, along with the Water Hashira, made quick work out of dozens of demons that were designed to have the strength of a Lower Rank demon, and later when facing Kyojuro’s killer, Akaza, Tanjiro managed to surprise both Giyu and the Upper Rank by dodging his attacks and slicing off his arm. As the battle progressed, Tanjiro was able to fight on equal ground with a casual Akaza, causing the latter to praise his inhuman growth. After deducing Akaza’s abilities and remembering his father’s words, a marked Tanjiro awakened the Transparent World and Selfless State, greatly amplifying his abilities, to the point where Tanjiro managed to slash off Akaza’s arm before he could process what happened, dodge his most powerful technique, and later successfully decapitated him.

              After mastering Sun Breathing, Tanjiro fights on equal ground with the strongest demon in existence, Muzan Kibutsuji.

              After the fight, Tanjiro and Giyu encountered the Demon King himself, Muzan Kibutsuji. Working together, both Demon Slayers managed to fend off the strongest demon to have ever lived who was casually fighting them, though Tanjiro ends up losing an eye and is severely poisoned as a result, nearly causing him to lose his life. As he received treatment for his injuries, Tanjiro viewed the memories of Sumiyoshi Kamado, his ancestor that met Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the strongest Demon Slayer in existence and the creator of the Breathing Style that would eventually become the Hinokami Kagura. Through his memories, Tanjiro realized the slight differences between his and Yoriichi’s wrist angles, footwork, and breathing rhythm. Through this, Tanjiro was able to correct his own useless movements and deduced how to use the rumored thirteenth form of Sun Breathing. After waking up, Tanjiro saved Kanao and was later able to fight against Muzan by himself, who had just singlehandedly blitzed Giyu, Sanemi, Gyomei, Obanai, who were all Marked, as well as Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao who were initially invisible thanks to Yushiro’s Blood Demon Art. Muzan expressed feelings of unease towards Tanjiro due to the similarities between him and Yoriichi, [14] further showcasing his incredible abilities.

              With one functioning eye and his fatigue becoming ever more pronounced, Tanjiro was still able to keep up with and fend off Muzan on his own, cutting off limbs and parrying attacks, which the combined efforts of the aforementioned Demon Slayers couldn’t achieve. With the help of Obanai Iguro, Tanjiro managed to drive the Demon King into the corner and battle him for more than hour to stall for sunrise, the both of them constantly having to chase him down to make sure he doesn’t escape. As dawn approaches, Muzan grows desperate and anxious, morphing into a gigantic fetus-like form that swallows Tanjiro whole. As Muzan is about to escape, Tanjiro with his Bright Red Nichirin Sword deals one final slash to the Demon King, exposing him to the sun, disintegrating him and putting an end to Muzan as well as all of demon-kind once and for all.

              Enhanced Accuracy: Even before he trained to become a Demon Slayer, Tanjiro possessed impeccable aim and precision. This was shown when he outsmarted Giyu and threw his hatchet into the air at a perfect trajectory such that it would strike his head. [15] Later on, as Akaza was escaping into the forest, Tanjiro flung his katana with incredible precision over a long distance until it pierced the Upper Rank’s body. [16] Tanjiro also displayed his great precision against Muzan, where Tanjiro was able to aim and throw a barrage of swords at the Demon King with perfect accuracy on two occasions. [17] [18]

              Genius Intellect: Tanjiro is incredibly analytical and sagacious, as well as showing a natural aptitude and innate intuition in many varied areas. Even against opponents that heavily outmatch him in multiple categories, Tanjiro is capable of creating strategies to beat an opponent on the fly and in danger even if it results in his own death. Upon seeing a fighting style once, Tanjiro can analyze it, and it’s even possible for him to accomplish such a feat even in the midst of a constantly shifting location where he lacks any environmental advantage or benefit. [19]

              Tanjiro deducing and surmising Akaza’s abilities from his subtle words and actions in the midst of battle.

              Tanjiro has been noted to be very adaptive against any opponent as well as explosive growth rate. Furthermore, he is an expert at using his opponent’s abilities against them. [20] Even if the opponent offers no real details or specifics on their power, Tanjiro can pick up subtle phrases and words used throughout their fights to deduce the ability in a short amount of time, as he had done in the battle against Akaza. He’s even conjured new abilities, even new Breathing Styles and utilized them effectively upon using them once, [21] [22] even able to combine techniques despite not being fully proficient in either of them, such as when he combined Water Breathing and Hinokami Kagura together in order to save Hinatsuru from Gyutaro [23] , and later used once again inside the Infinity Castle to slay dozens of demons.

              • Combat Intuition: This trait of Tanjiro’s was pointed out by Giyu during their first encounter, in which Tanjiro skillfully laid out a plan to attack Giyu by surprise by charging towards him, not showing the Demon Slayer that he was unarmed, and bring down Giyu with a hatchet he had thrown in the air beforehand. The attack failed, but Giyu was still very impressed by Tanjiro’s plan, especially considering he was a rookie at the time. Furthermore, Tanjiro also showed proficiency in hand-to-hand combat despite never practicing martial arts before, allowing him to hold his own and adapt instantly to Inosuke’s animalistic unarmed fighting style.

              Tanjiro causing the Wind Hashira, Sanemi, to bleed with a headbutt.

              Hard Skull: Tanjiro has an innately strong skull, which the Temple Demon compares to a rock. During certain situations, he can headbutt the opponent hard enough to stun them or knock them out completely, in some situations even cause their head to bleed upon impact. Managing to hit the Temple Demon twice in a row without being stunned shows he is capable of doing it more than once. The full power of this attack is shown to give Inosuke a delayed concussion while Tanjiro suffered no backlash from it. Tanjiro also head-butted the Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa, having temporarily stunned him, leaving the other Hashira impressed by its durability. Tanjiro also used this to temporarily stun Gyutaro, Upper Rank Six, and used the opportunity to gain an upper hand over him. Furthermore, he caused Akaza, Upper Rank Three, to bleed when he headbutted him.

              Tanjiro’s undaunted spirit and willpower.

              Indomitable Will: Tanjiro possesses an undaunted will and spirit, being able to fight and engage in battle against enemies stronger than him with his sheer will alone to kill Demons and protect his sister even when he sustained severe injuries and wounds. The death of his family also played a big role in his insurmountable willpower, his visions of his family members urging him on during times of crisis, allowing him to pull through any hardship.

              During his mission on Mount Natagumo, Tanjiro was willing to sacrifice his life for his sister, relying on nothing but sheer determination to fight through Rui’s attacks to kill him. When he was in a battle with Enmu, he displayed his supernatural willpower by committing suicide relentlessly in his dreams in order to awake from the demon’s sleep spell, a feat which even Enmu thought was insane. [24] After Kyojuro was killed in a battle with Akaza, his final words and actions had a major impact on Tanjiro’s mindset and willpower, increasing it to unprecedented levels, shown when he didn’t give up no matter how hopeless a situation is, in the face of Upper Rank demons, no less. His spirit also played a big role in the final moments of Muzan’s death, where his will allowed him to overcome his blood and return to becoming human.

              Demon Slayer Abilities [ ]

              Demon Slayer Mark: Tanjiro’s Demon Slayer Mark takes the form of a flame-like pattern replacing the scar on his forehead. After Hashira Training his scar is replaced with a permanent flame mark, and when he activates his Demon Slayer Mark it grows in size, reaching past his eyebrows. Interestingly enough, Tanjiro’s mark is exactly the same as the marks of Yoriichi Tsugikuni and Kokushibo. The mark drastically enhances all of Tanjiro’s natural abilities, such as his strength, speed, and reflexes.

              Tanjiro awakens his mark for the first time while fighting Upper Rank Six, Gyutaro, [25] which granted him the boost in physical strength needed to behead the Upper Rank and later awakened it while unleashing the Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance technique against Hantengu’s clones. [26] Later, the mark reappears during his rematch against Upper Rank Three, Akaza. [27] The drawback to his marked state is that Tanjiro can only enter it on rare occasions, and he can only use it for a very short period since it causes exhaustion to his body as proven in his battles against the Upper Ranks.

              • Bright Red Nichirin Sword: Tanjiro first unlocked this ability after Nezuko Kamado lit his sword on fire using her pyrokinetic Blood Demon Art, which gave him an edge over Hantengu’s clones as every slash that he landed drastically slowed down their regenerative abilities. During his second battle against Muzan, Tanjiro gains the ability to dye his Nichirin Sword in a bright red color by himself after nearly dying. Later, Tanjiro awakened it one final time with the help of Giyu when the former had pinned him against a wall to prevent him from escaping.

              Tanjiro perceiving Akaza’s anatomy.

              • Transparent World: Like his father, Tanjiro can access the Transparent World while in the marked stated, gaining the ability to foresee his opponent’s attack by analyzing their blood flow and muscles. In this state, his movement intuition and evasion speed increases dramatically. [28][29] It is also suggested that he accidentally accessed this state during his fight against Daki when Tanjiro perceived her sashes as extremely slow and also found Hantengu’s main body in the heart of one of his clones. He fully accessed this state during his battle against Akaza, when he remembered his father teaching him how to use it through visual training when Tanjuro killed a bear while in that state. After awakening it along with the Selfless State, Tanjiro surpasses Akaza’s speed and successfully decapitates him. When Tanjiro encountered Muzan Kibutsuji, he tried accessing the Transparent World but to no avail. After regaining consciousness, Tanjiro used the Transparent World to discern how to use the thirteenth form of Sun Breathing by perceiving Muzan’s anatomy. [30] However, Tanjiro was not able to constantly perceive it due to the accumulating fatigue he experienced during the fight.

              Repetitive Action: A technique practiced by few members in the Demon Slayer Corps, it allows a person to achieve the same effects as Total Concentration Breathing by using repeating pre-set movements or remembering intense feelings to open the five senses and raise their concentration, drawing out the physical powers of the body for a long extended period. It is possible to use both Repetitive Action and Total Concentration Breathing simultaneously, granting the user immense strength able to rival Upper Rank demons. Tanjiro learned this technique after consulting Genya Shinazugawa. He raises his concentration to its maximum limits by remembering the faces of his loved ones and repeatedly recalling Kyojuro’s phrase “Set your heart ablaze.” [31]

              Selfless State: As he unlocked the Transparent World, Tanjiro also learned the ability to completely erase his presence like his father did, including all of his Fighting Spirit ( 鬭 ( とう ) 氣 ( き ) , Tōki ? ) . This technique can also mask one’s intent to kill and malice, allowing them to fight undetectable on against enemies’ that rely on sensing one’s intention to fight. This ability allowed Tanjiro to completely negate/bypass Akaza’s Compass Needle technique and decapitate him.

              Physical Abilities [ ]

              Tanjiro fracturing Inosuke’s ribs and sending him flying with a single punch.

              Immense Strength: After his training at Mount Sagiri, Tanjiro has gained incredible arm and leg strength and has demonstrated a great use of it, jumping over the humongous Hand Demon, and leaping over buildings effortlessly. Tanjiro also casually broke Genya’s arm and later shattered Inosuke’s ribs and sent him flying, all with a single punch. With his katana, he could swing with enough force slice through gigantic boulders and entire trees. While training, Tanjiro is capable of doing hundreds of push-ups at once along with a plethora of other strength-related exercises. When not out doing his missions, he frequently trains his body in order to be strong enough to perform his duties as a Demon Slayer. When he was posing as a courtesan, he was shown to carry dozens of large boxes easily and when he was angered, he ripped off an Upper Rank’s leg. When he was training with Gyomei Himejima, he was tasked with lifting three enormous logs on his back and pushing a boulder through town. He later managed to cut off Akaza’s head, a feat which even Kyojuro couldn’t accomplish.

              Tanjiro’s superhuman movement speed.

              Immense Speed & Reflexes: Tanjiro possesses tremendous speed and reflexes; even before entering Final Selection, he is shown being able to travel faster than the eye can see and outpace Sabito, an extremely skilled swordsman who was initially able to easily move faster than Tanjiro can process. Furthermore, he can react to the blistering movement speeds of demons even before he started using Total Concentration Constant ( 全 ( ぜん ) 集 ( しゅう ) 中 ( ちゅう ) ・ 常 ( じょう ) 中 ( ちゅう ) , Zen Shūchū Jōchū ? ) . After a few months of training at the Butterfly Mansion, his speed and reflexes could match those of the strongest members of the Lower Ranks of the Twelve Kizuki. When angered, he was able to move faster than Daki, an Upper Rank demon, could even react.

              Tanjiro has also shown the ability to casually blitz lower level demons and ordinary humans. He later was able to blitz three of Hantengu’s clones simultaneously and keep up with Akaza, one of the fastest demons in existence. After awakening his Demon Slayer Mark, Tanjiro’s speed increases even further to the point that even Akaza couldn’t react in time and process his movements. After awakening his Demon Slayer Mark, Tanjiro gains extremely sharp reflexes, dodging and reacting to attacks from both Akaza and the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, who was able to blitz Giyu, Sanemi, Obanai, Gyomei, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao all at once.

              Tanjiro persisting despite sustaining life-threatening injuries and getting poisoned.

              Immense Stamina & Endurance: Tanjiro has incredible stamina and endurance, even before he became a Demon Slayer, showed when he had to train in a mountain with oxygen levels lower than that of a thick bog, dodging armed booby traps, running up and down the mountain constantly, and improving his swordsmanship skills and physique all while under these harsh conditions for around two years. His stamina and endurance was further improved having mastered Total Concentration: Constant ( 全 ( ぜん ) 集 ( しゅう ) 中 ( ちゅう ) ・ 常 ( じょう ) 中 ( ちゅう ) , Zen Shūchū Jōchū ? ) , allowing him to stay in the Total Concentration Breathing state 24/7. His stamina was increased even further after he mastered the Hinokami Kagura, the same Breathing Style which allowed his sickly father to dance from dusk till dawn in the snow while barely clothed. Through the use of Recovering Breathing, Tanjiro can quickly recover from fatigue and was able to subdue a berserk Nezuko despite crossing his stamina limit and nearly losing his life a few moments prior. Despite having his bottom jaw impaled by Gyutaro’s kama, Tanjiro barely showed any signs of pain at all.

              When training with Kotetsu, Tanjiro was able to endure an extremely intensive training session for seven days non-stop, with no food, no sleep, and barely any water which he obtained when it was raining while also getting constantly injured and beaten. He was also in battle with Lower Rank-level demons for 5 hours in the Infinity Castle and was still able to hold his own and defeat Upper Rank Three, Akaza, and later went on to engage in a skirmish with the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, for 1 hour and 30 minutes till dawn. Furthermore, he lasted one of the longest out of all the other Hashira and Hashira-level combatants, while still being able to tolerate all the damage and injuries he sustained from Muzan Kibutsuji’s fatal poison and physical attacks. Nearing the end of the battle, Tanjiro barely showed any reaction when his arm was blown off by one of Muzan’s attacks.

              Supernatural Abilities [ ]

              Tanjiro tracks down Hantengu’s scent through a thick forest.

              Enhanced Smell: Tanjiro possesses an extremely sharp sense of smell. Before becoming a Demon Slayer, Tanjiro was known in a village as a boy who has an extremely strong sense of smell. He is able to pick up even the most subtle of scents and track their location with terrifying accuracy over long distances. It is strong enough for him to smell the Opening Thread, the slight pause in an enemy’s movement which allows him an opening in which to strike. His sense of smell is so keen that he can perceive his surroundings through scent alone. [32]

              • Extrasensory Perception: Through his heightened sense of smell, Tanjiro can perceive things outside the normal range of perception like the intentions, feelings, and thoughts of other creatures, even of animals such as insects and birds. He can also sense the aura and presences of demons and even tell their strength level at a glance through how disgusting and rotten their scent is.
                • Pseudo-Precognition: When training with Yoriichi Type Zero, Tanjiro’s sense of smell evolved further to be able to predict up to 6 moves into the future, being capable of foreseeing actions and intentions of others merely through scent, even of non-living things like Yoriichi Type Zero itself. [33] Tanjiro noted that the smell of the future was different and much faster compared to the smell of the ‘Opening Thread’, giving him the reflexes and movements comparable to a Hashira and allowing to go toe to toe with Hantengu’s clones early on.

                Overall Abilities

                Tanjiro is later transformed into a demon by Muzan Kibutsuji as his last-ditch attempt at living on even after being killed by the Demon Slayer Corps; Muzan hoped to pass his feelings and abilities onto Tanjiro, deeming him capable of fulfilling his legacy and becoming the next Demon King. [34]

                It was later stated by Yushiro that Tanjiro’s potential to evolve as a demon was much higher than his sister’s, who was the first demon to develop a resistance to sunlight, and even Muzan’s, the progenitor of all demons. [35] This suggests that if Tanjiro reached his fullest potential, he would grow into a being stronger than the Demon King himself, and when combined with Sun Breathing, Tanjiro could possibly match Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the strongest Demon Slayer in existence.

                Demon Abilities

                Nigh-Absolute Regeneration: Upon assimilating the blood of the Demon King, a being who possesses the fastest and most powerful regenerative power out of all demons, Tanjiro’s regenerative abilities surpassed that of all other demons that existed. Even Giyu Tomioka noted that this ability, coupled with his immunity to sunlight, makes him a being who is practically invincible to all forms of physical harm. [36]

                Sunlight Resistance: After he first transforms, Tanjiro is initially affected by sunlight as any normal demon would be. However, he quickly develops a resistance to it and is soon able to move around in broad daylight without taking any damage. It’s possible that he’s able to do this because, as noted by Muzan right before his death, Tanjiro is of the same blood of Nezuko who overcame her weakness to sunlight as a demon. [34] Due to his resistance to sunlight, all Nichirin weapons and even Bright Red Nichirin Swords lose their effectiveness. Giyu claimed that, with his immunity to the sun, along with his enhanced regeneration, Tanjiro is practically invincible. [36]

                Fighting Style [ ]

                Tanjiro’s swordsmanship skill enabling him to defend himself from an Upper Rank’s fierce onslaught.

                Master Swordsman: Tanjiro was always shown to be a sword-fighting prodigy, starting out with skill rivaling Sabito, one of Sakonji Urokodaki’s strongest students and surpassing him in half a year’s time and avenging his death by defeating the Hand Demon. Despite being Mizunoto-ranked, his skill with the sword was superior to many of his seniors, even to the point of defeating two Lower Ranked members of the Twelve Kizuki. His improvement in swordsmanship is also exceptional, shown when he could take on Upper Rank demons months after recovering from injuries and not having experience in fighting enemies of that caliber in the past. This is evident as he managed to keep up and defend from Daki’s fierce onslaught of sash attacks as well as Gyutaro’s attacks, despite the latter being immensely skilled in wielding his pair of Kama and posessing over a century of experience in wielding it. Mitsuri Kanroji commented that accomplishing such feat was equivalent to 5 to 10 years of harsh training.

                With intensive training in the Swordsmith Village, his skills and prowess with the blade could match that of the Hashira, the most powerful sword wielders in the entirety of the Demon Slayer Corps. Tanjiro later managed to match and surpass Akaza, the third strongest member of the Twelve Kizuki and a martial arts prodigy with over a century worth of experience in hand-to-hand combat. Despite not being as skilled as Yoriichi Tsugikuni, he was still able to fight on equal ground with Muzan, showing his immense proficiency in the blade, thus making him one of the strongest swordsmen of the current generation.

                Breathing Style [ ]

                Tanjiro combining two forms of Water Breathing into a single technique.

                Water Breathing ( 水 ( みず ) の 呼 ( こ ) 吸 ( きゅう ) , Mizu no kokyū ? ) : Taught to him by Sakonji Urokodaki, a previous Water Hashira and Water Breathing Cultivator, this was Tanjiro’s initial Breathing Style. He became extremely proficient in it, to the point where he could modify pre-existing forms to suit the circumstance. He also used Water Breathing to take on two members of the Twelve Kizuki, namely Rui and Enmu. However, due to his body not being suited to Water Breathing’s techniques, Tanjiro decided to switch to the Hinokami Kagura as his main Breathing Style. Despite this, Tanjiro has not abandoned what he was taught, combining Water Breathing with the Hinokami Kagura, due to the strain Hinokami Kagura placed on his body, in order to have stronger strikes than when he used Water Breathing alone and move for longer periods than if he used Hinokami Kagura alone. He did this to save Hinatsuru from Gyutaro [23] , and later used it once again inside the Infinity Castle to slay dozens of demons.

                Hinokami Kagura ( ヒノカミ 神楽 ( かぐら ) , Hinokami Kagura ? ) : During his near-death experience in his battle with Rui, Tanjiro awakened this in a memory of his father teaching him this Breathing Style. As his body was more suited to the Hinokami Kagura, he quickly overpowered the Lower Rank demon. However, the sheer force and fatigue it placed on his untrained body caused him to collapse and weaken significantly when using it, thus he only saved it for last ditch attempts to beat his adversaries.

                After his battle with Enmu, Tanjiro trained more so that his body could take the strain of its techniques, and was capable of using multiple forms in succession in his battle against Daki, although the whiplash from doing so became quickly apparent. Still, through battling Hantengu and undergoing Hashira Training, Tanjiro finally managed to master all the forms in the Hinokami Kagura, using it to its full potential against Akaza. When Tanjiro fully witnessed all the forms performed by Yoriichi Tsugikuni, he realized his own Hinokami Kagura had unnecessary movements, different wrist angles, footwork and breathing rhythm. Removing them enabled him to awaken the legendary Sun Breathing ( 日 ( ひ ) の 呼 ( こ ) 吸 ( きゅう ) , Hi no kokyū ? ) , [37] and he was able to temporarily battle on equal grounds with the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, to the point that Muzan saw Yoriichi’s visage overlapping with Tanjiro’s own when he was performing the techniques against him.

                Techniques [ ]

                Tanjiro using First Form: Water Surface Slash to decapitate the Hand Demon.

                • First Form: Water Surface Slash ( 壱 ( いち ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 水 ( みな ) 面 ( も ) 斬 ( ぎ ) り , Ichi no kata: Minamo Giri? ) [38] – The user generates enough momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash.
                • Second Form: Water Wheel ( 弐 ( に ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 水 ( みず ) 車 ( ぐるま ) , Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma? ) [39] – The user leaps and vertically spins forward in the air while releasing a flowing attack in a circular motion.
                  • Second Form: Improved, Lateral Water Wheel ( 弐 ( に ) ノ 型 ( かた ) ・ 改 ( かい ) 横 ( よこ ) 水 ( みず ) 車 ( ぐるま ) , Ni no kata kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma? ) [40] – An alternate variation of Second Form: Water Wheel that unleashes a horizontal spin instead of a vertical one.
                  • Third Form: Flowing Dance ( 参 ( さん ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 流 ( りゅう ) 流 ( りゅう ) 舞 ( ま ) い , San no kata: Ryūryū Mai? ) [41] – The user swings and bends their blade in a winding motion along with their body and dances in a flowing pattern, slicing everything in its path.
                  • Fourth Form: Striking Tide ( 肆 ( し ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 打 ( う ) ち 潮 ( しお ) , Shi no kata: Uchishio? ) [42] – The user makes multiple consecutive slashes while twisting their body and sword in a flowing fashion to deliver multiple blows simultaneously.
                    • Striking Tide: Turbulent ( 打 ( う ) ち 潮 ( しお ) ・ 乱 ( らん ) , Uchishio – Ran? ) [43] – An improved version of the Fourth Form: Striking Tide. Tanjiro increases the quantity of consecutive strikes and slashes along with improving its accuracy in order to contact a specific target during a chaotic situation.

                    Tanjiro painlessly beheads the Mother Spider Demon using Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought.

                    • Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought ( 伍 ( ご ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 干 ( かん ) 天 ( てん ) の 慈 ( じ ) 雨 ( う ) , Go no kata: Kanten no Jiu? ) [44] – The user changes the grip on their sword and decapitates the opponent in a single flowing strike that causes little to no pain. It is a “sword strike of kindness” used when the enemy willingly surrenders.
                    • Sixth Form: Whirlpool ( 陸 ( ろく ) ノ 型 ( かた ) ねじれ 渦 ( うず ) , Roku no kata: Nejire Uzu? ) [45] – The user fiercely twists their upper and lower body, creating a whirlpool of air that cuts anything caught in it. Its effect and efficiently is enhanced underwater, where they can draw water around their weapon to enhance their slashes.
                      • Whirlpool, Flow ( ねじれ 渦 ( うず ) ・ 流 ( りゅう ) 流 ( りゅう ) , Nejire Uzu – Ryūryū? ) [46] – A combination of Third Form: Flowing Dance and Sixth Form: Whirlpool created by Tanjiro. It combines the footwork from Flowing Dance and the twisting movements of Whirlpool, resulting in the swordsman to perform an attack around him and conjure a twisting, swirling, vicious flow of water to redirect projectiles from multiple angles.
                      • Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust ( 漆 ( しち ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 雫 ( しずく ) 波 ( は ) 紋 ( もん ) 突 ( づ ) き , Shichi no kata: Shizuku Hamon Tsuki? ) [47] – The user performs a precise, fast and accurate thrust with their blade.
                        • Drop Ripple Thrust, Curve ( 雫 ( しずく ) 波 ( は ) 紋 ( もん ) 突 ( づ ) き・ 曲 ( きょく ) , Shizuku Hamon Tsuki – Kyoku? ) [48] – A modified strike that hits from a specific angle corresponding to the sword’s structure which nearly nullifies the impact and momentum of a moving object.
                        • Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin ( 捌 ( はち ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 滝 ( たき ) 壼 ( つぼ ) , Hachi no kata: Takitsubo? ) [49] – The user cuts the target vertically in a flowing motion which is most effective when they are falling downward.
                        • Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent ( 玖 ( く ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 水 ( すい ) 流 ( りゅう ) 飛沫 ( しぶき ) ・ 乱 ( らん ) , Ku no kata: Suiryū Shibuki – Ran? ) [50] – The user changes their footwork in a way that minimizes the landing time and surface needed when landing, allowing them to move without limits. It is ideal when fighting in a place with no solid foothold.
                        • Tenth Form: Constant Flux ( 拾 ( じゅう ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 生 ( せい ) 生 ( せい ) 流 ( る ) 転 ( てん ) , Jū no kata: Seisei Ruten? ) [51] – The user performs a continuous flowing attack which takes the form of a water dragon that increases in strength and power with each rotation due to momentum.
                        • Dance ( 円 ( えん ) 舞 ( ぶ ) , Enbu? ) [52] – The user delivers a single high-powered vertical slash.
                          • Dancing Flash ( 円 ( えん ) 舞 ( ぶ ) 一 ( いっ ) 閃 ( せん ) , Enbu Issen? ) [53] Tanjiro beheads Urami with Dancing Flash. – A modified version of Dance developed and utilized only by Tanjiro. He infuses the Thunderclap and Flash technique of Thunder Breathing into the high-powered slash of Dance by inhaling huge amounts of oxygen, increasing the pumping of blood through his entire body, focusing it on his legs, and releasing it all to assault the target with a slash. This technique was capable of out-speeding Genya Shinazugawa, Nezuko Kamado, as well as the fleeing Hantengu.
                          • Clear Blue Sky ( 碧 ( へき ) 羅 ( ら ) の 天 ( てん ) , Heki-ra no Ten? ) [54] – The user spins their body horizontally to deliver a 360° slash.
                          • Raging Sun ( 烈 ( れつ ) 日 ( じつ ) 紅 ( こう ) 鏡 ( きょう ) , Retsujitsu Kōkyō? ) [55] – The user unleashes two horizontal slashes to hit or defend themselves from incoming attacks.
                          • Burning Bones, Summer Sun ( 灼 ( しゃっ ) 骨 ( こつ ) 炎 ( えん ) 陽 ( よう ) , Shakkotsu En’yō? ) [56] – The user unleashes a large circular slash that defends them from imminent frontal attacks.
                          • Setting Sun Transformation ( 斜 ( しゃ ) 陽 ( よう ) 転 ( てん ) 身 ( しん ) , Shayō Tenshin? ) [57] – The user backflips into the air to deliver a powerful upended sword slash that aims to decapitate their target.
                          • Solar Heat Haze ( 飛 ( ひ ) 輪 ( りん ) 陽 ( かげ ) 炎 ( ろう ) , Hirin Kagerō? ) [58] – The user charges towards the target, unleashing a horizontal slash seemingly covered in haze that fails to land, but actually does hit the target.
                          • Beneficent Radiance ( 輝 ( き ) 輝 ( き ) 恩 ( おん ) 光 ( こう ) , Kiki Onkō? ) [59] – The user spirals into the air and delivers a powerful slash that surrounds the enemy.
                          • Sunflower Thrust ( 陽 ( よう ) 華 ( か ) 突 ( とつ ) , Yōkatotsu? ) [60][61] – The user unleashes a single thrust attack with the point of the blade.

                          Tanjiro uses Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance to behead Hantengu’s clones.

                          • Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance ( 日 ( にち ) 暈 ( うん ) の 龍 ( りゅう ) ・ 頭 ( かぶり ) 舞 ( ま ) い , Nichiun no Ryū Kaburimai? ) [62] – The user unleashes a continuous fast and powerful sword attack that takes the form of a Japanese dragon made of solar flames. This technique is capable of decapitating multiple targets at once.
                          • Fire Wheel ( 火 ( か ) 車 ( しゃ ) , Kasha? ) [63] – The user leaps behind the opponent and spins in the air downward, releasing a sword attack in a circular motion.
                          • Fake Rainbow ( 幻 ( げん ) 日 ( にち ) 虹 ( こう ) , Gen’nichi Kō? ) [64] – The user performs high-speed twists and rotations, thus creating afterimages used mostly to evade attacks. The afterimages work most effectively on enemies with good vision. [64]
                          • Flame Dance ( 炎 ( えん ) 舞 ( ぶ ) , Enbu? ) [65] – A two-combo strike which starts with a vertical slash and then a horizontal one right after.

                          Tanjiro performing the Thirteenth Form of Sun Breathing against Muzan.

                          • Thirteenth Form ( 拾 ( じゅう ) 参 ( さん ) ノ 型 ( かた ) , Jū San no kata? ) [66] – The user continuously performs all twelve forms of Sun Breathing in repetitive succession to increase the accuracy and agility of his movements while reducing fatigue. This form was created solely for the purpose of killing Muzan Kibutsuji, since the repetition of all twelve forms aims to destroy Muzan’s twelve vital organs (seven hearts and five brains) that move freely inside his body.

                          Game Exclusive Techniques [ ]

                          • Cross Slash ( 弐 ( に ) 連 ( れん ) 袈 ( け ) 裟 ( さ ) 斬 ( ぎ ) り , Nirenkesa Giri? ) [67] – Tanjiro ignites his sword with solar flames and releases two arching flame slashes to his opponent, each individually making an “X” shaped slice.
                          • Scorching Rush ( 早 ( はや ) 駆 ( が ) け 斬 ( ぎ ) り , Hayagake Giri? ) [67] – Tanjiro rushes forward with a flaming sword and performs a 5-move combo as follows: a low-ended strike from the left, a low-ended strike from the right that lifts him off the ground briefly, a spinning wave attack, a powerful forwards upward slash and finally an overhead downward slash.
                          • Phoenix Flash ( 瞬 ( しゅん ) 転 ( てん ) 斬 ( ぎ ) り , Shunten Giri? ) [67] – Tanjiro disappears in a flash of fire, before reappearing from fire in mid-air either upright, where they perform a massive overhead circular slash, or upside-down where he performs an angled 360° sword slash.

                          Short-to-Mid Ranged Combatant: With his Blood Demon Art, Tanjiro’s fighting style focuses on unleashing attacks from a distance similar to Muzan Kibutsuji. Had Tanjiro used Sun Breathing along with his Blood Demon Art, like Muzan suggests he would, Tanjiro’s fighting style would be a combination of melee ranged sword attacks as well as mid-ranged whip attacks similar to Muzan.

                          Blood Demon Art

                          Tanjiro grows bone-like whips and appendages from his back similar to Muzan.

                          Biokinesis: As Tanjiro assimilated Muzan’s blood, he subsequently gained his Blood Demon Art which allows him to control various properties and aspects of his body. Tanjiro first displays this by protruding bladed bone-like whips and appendages from his back which he uses to extend his attack range. However, due to his feral state, Tanjiro hasn’t displayed the same skill at wielding them as Muzan. [68]


                          Shockwave Energy Blast: [69] Similar to Muzan, Tanjiro can project a ball of lightning-like energy from his mouth that produces shockwaves strong enough to create craters on the ground where it was released. The technique is powerful enough to blow away Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Goto while they tried to restrain him, with only Nezuko able to hold on. Even then, Nezuko’s arm was damaged to the point her nails and flesh were destroyed from the blast.

                          Equipment [ ]

                          Standard Nichirin Katana: As a Demon Slayer, Tanjiro carries around a standard sized and shaped Nichirin katana. When he was training under Sakonji Urokodaki, Tanjiro used a katana had a blade of dull blue color and a tsuba which was oval-shaped with four indentations and dull gray in color. Tanjiro also uses this during Final Selection.

                          After the test, he selected an ore which would be made into his first Nichirin katana by the swordsmith Hotaru Haganezuka. His Nichirin katana is obsidian black in color, and the original tsuba is a black ring connected to its core by lines with a border of the same color, which heavily resembles a wagon wheel. Along with his katana, Tanjiro has a standard saya that is obsidian black in color. Tanjiro damaged or broke his sword a total of three times: the first in his fight with Rui when the latter’s thread cut it in half, the second when Akaza punched it into pieces in a fit of rage after impaling him as he fled, and the third during his fight with Daki when he chipped the blade after clashing with the Upper Rank.

                          After the events in the Swordsmith Village, he switched to using the katana he found inside Yoriichi Type Zero that was sharpened and polished by Hotaru Haganezuka. His katana’s original tsuba was switched to the one used by the late Kyojuro Rengoku, which is shaped like a flame with a red core and orange border. The new blade was not observed to change color, being already in deep black but has more intricate pattern, with the word Slay ( 滅 ( めつ ) , Metsu ? ) engraved on the side. It is implied to be stronger than the standard Nichirin Katana as Haganezuka mentioned that the steel was of especially high quality. [70] Despite Tanjiro’s notorious habit of damaging his swords, this sword broke only at the end of his final fight with Muzan Kibutsuji. It was then subsequently repaired and displayed as a decoration in his descendants’ house. [71]